An Online 200 Hour Asana and Meditation Teacher Training
Self-Transformation Program
This training includes a meditation certification!
An Online 200 Hour Asana and Meditation Teacher Training
Self-Transformation Program
This training includes a meditation certification!
Module One - The Poetry of Yoga, The Art of Finding You
Beings in mid-January 2022 and runs through mid-June 2022
Registration opens on December 1, 2021 through January 14th, 2022 (Discounts for early registrants)
To register visit the registration page or click this link:
The Poetry of Yoga Course is about YOU finding YOU!
Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you in your journey of the Self?
What is this course all about?
This course infuses the art of poetic writing styles with the art of practicing and teaching Yoga. Using all styles of poetry and the 8 Limbs of Yoga as a foundation for inspiration, participants will go on a magical inner journey of finding purpose and passion in a fluid and creative way. Even if writing is not something you practice daily, the art of reading and writing poetry moves the soul to see the world differently, to experience each day in a way of openness and beauty. Still not convinced, that's okay because there are so many aspects of this training that will guide each person in the direction they need to transform and keep moving forward. From Soul Chats, to asana, to creating practices that will change the way you live, breathe, and move in your daily life, this training has everything you need to dive deeply into your life.
How many lessons are in each Module?
The Poetry of Yoga is shared in a five week course of beautiful lessons, where you will journey into the deeper questions of life regarding; writing, reading, seeing, listening, speaking, touching, feeling, balancing, experiencing, sharing, tasting, smelling, moving, and loving. These lessons will be taught over the course of five weeks. You will have lifetime access to this material.
How will participants learn and be involved in this course?
Each video lesson will be sent out on Sunday evenings and once a week (TBD after registration and feedback from participating students) for those who can attend live.
There will also be scheduled LIVE classes for small groups and individuals who would like to receive one-on-one instruction from instructors from the course.
Is LIVE participation required?
Live participation is not a requirement, however this may deepen your personal experience. With that being said, I have found that practicing on my own during online courses I have taken have been immensely beneficial. The choice is completely up to you!!! There are also LIVE classes that will provide students with additional love and support. These are scheduled based on the needs of the students enrolled in the program.
How long will I have to complete this course and the lessons?
Participants will have the entire week to practice and experience the lessons and also participate in a LIVE online class mid-week (day to be determined). This mid-week live class will also be recorded and sent to those unable to be there live. There will be no difference in the live version vs. the recording sessions, other than being able to ask your questions and share your experiences in person. However, you have the opportunity to email your questions and/or experiences to be shared during the LIVE class ahead of time. This is not a requirement.
What if I am out of town or busy during one of the weeks of this course?
If you are traveling and cannot complete the weekly practices, no worries, you will receive lifetime access to ALL of the content. Move through the lessons and practices at your own pace.
What are the dates of each module?
The four modules will occur once or twice per season, beginning in mid-January of 2022 with the first Module titled, Questions for the Soul. The second module will begin March, 2022, the third module will begin June 2022, and the fourth and final module will begin in September of 2022. If you choose to take the Poetry of Yoga modules for your own personal development, you will receive a certification of completion and can decide at a later date if you want to move forward in teaching others in the future. You will have choices on receiving a certification through Yoga Alliance or receive a participation certification once you complete all of the modules.
Do I have to take all of the modules for this course?
No! You can pick and choose any of the four modules that you’d like. Although the modules weave together naturally, you do not need to take all of them to receive the benefits. If you are taking this course to become a certified Yoga instructor, you will need to take each of these modules and will be required to do a final exam, based on Yoga Alliance standards and also a performance-based assessment for teaching yoga to others.
What does an average week look like?
Each week will begin on Sunday evenings and students will have a week to move through the content at their own pace. This content will be available for you for an entire year so there is NO rush. Practices each week will include:
- A theme that will help guide your practice
- Soul Chats that will inspire life-changing aspects of your daily life
- Practice to support our Soul Chats
- Lessons on ways to implement the practices as a student and a teacher
- Practical Pertinent Practices that follow the 8 Limbs of Yoga
- Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi
- Asana (posture) Labs that will discuss all areas of the body
- Fascia lessons and practices that are life-changing
- Individual and/or group Mentorship Calls
- Contemplation Lab with Self-Reflection, Journaling, and daily writings and/or ponderings
- Daily Ritual ideas
- Moon rituals
- Savasana and Relaxation practices; learn how to REALLY absorb your practice during this stage of practice
All of these are wrapped up in short lessons that leave a HUGE impact on your life.
What is the tuition for this course?
The Poetry of Yoga will be priced at $425 per module ($325 if you register by January 1, 2021)
Where do I sign up?
If you are interested in being enrolled in the very first Poetry of Yoga module, please email Melissa Spencer at [email protected] to reserve your spot in this beautiful training. Or you can register by following this link:
What payments do you accept?
Venmo: @Melissa-Spencer-11
Zelle: [email protected]
Cash and checks made out to Peaceful World Yoga are also excepted
Please direct any additional questions to: [email protected]
Course Syllabus will be available mid-December that will share specific topics for all participants.
A week before the course begins, participants will receive a Video lesson on Linguistic Techniques that can be utilized in the poetry/writing aspect of this course. If you are not a writer...please don’t will be after this course! If you fear sharing your writing, you don’t have to.
Participants will also receive the Yoga Alliance Standards and a description of the 8 Limb Path of Yoga, as well as a link for the Four Paths of Yoga that will intertwine with your life in so many wonderfully healing ways.
In peace and love and Self-transformation,
Melissa Spencer